Later still, the design of the house was changed.
As Indev progressed from testing items and blocks to testing the actual survival aspect, these chests were removed. An Indev House began made of moss stone (which was unavailable naturally on the map anywhere else) and chests filled with TNT, a full stack (99 at the time) of every type of block and every type of item. The House would be formed around the player's spawn point.
An Indev House was a 7 block wide × 7 block long × 4 block tall structure, with a 1×2 hole for players to exit and two torches on the interior. The map would then be created and spawn them in an “Indev House'. When creating a map, players had to assign four characteristics to their maps, the type, the shape, the size, and the theme. When Indev was started, players were greeted with the newly added title screen, and the options to create a map or load a previous map.